Twelve Earths: Open Signal”

Michael Jones McKean and Fathomers Curator-at-Large David Kim Photo: Megan Mantia

Michael Jones McKean and Fathomers Curator-at-Large David Kim Photo: Megan Mantia

In late July, Fathomers convened a group of artists, designers, entrepreneurs, poets, and scholars to begin thinking about a global communication system of “beacons” linking the sites of Twelve Earths, a work that aspires to communicate with audiences now and thousands of years in the future.

Twelve Earths: Open Signal began with an opening presentation on the project by artist Michael Jones McKean. Then, over two days, participants met for five roundtable sessions led by Open Signal co-curator David Kim. They wrestled with daunting questions: What might we wish to communicate? How might we make ourselves understood over centuries, let alone millennia? How do we account for non-human perspectives? In what objects and technologies might Twelve Earths’ beacons be constructed? Can they both acknowledge the global and respond sensitively to local conditions?

The convening came to a close with a research synthesis and presentation by the design team.


OS participants

Ahmed Best, Damian Bradfield, Lonny J. Avi Brooks, Melissa Lo, Saki Mafundikwa, Elizabeth Metzger, Bridget D. Samuels, Safiya Sinclair, Nina Tandon, Rosten Woo


OS design team

Jackson Cantor, Jeremiah Chiu, Elise Co





Learn more about Michael Jones McKean’s Twelve Earths here.